The Installation Color Cloud is made up of colored strings in multiple materials (most of them t-shirt fabrics of a 5mm thickness) Nylon strings and a metal grid with a total size of 3x2,5 meters, divided into 6 pieces for easier manipulation, hung from the ceiling at a height of 3 meters off the floor. 

The Installation is made to be walked through and experienced physically. 
The majority of the people that have experienced the Color Cloud for themselves so far have remarked upon it's dizzying effect on the eyes. Confronted with this number of moving strings the eyes fail to focus on one clear priority. A few people have found this rather off-putting and have expressed that they would rather remain outside of the Could, but the majority of my studio guests have found themselves playing in the strings for quite a while. 

This playful interaction is exactly what I am seeking with my installation. I want people to enjoy themselves in this strange surrounding and let their inner child dictate the fun for a little while. 
Conceptually the Cloud is inspired by the idea of the passageway into another world, a magical world, like depicted in so many different stories. 
To me this passage into a world of imagination, is the essence of childhood and I wish to make my audience feel this joyful place while walking through the Color Cloud.

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