my bachelor graduation piece
my installation was in a big empty room, so approaching it from the rest if the exhibition this is all you could see off it
wether you went left of right upon entering was entirely up to you. based on the people i watched interact with the installation, it was pretty much a 50/50 split, off course not considering the people that knew walking into the installation was allowed an jumped right in
this was the view you got when you decided to go left first
as you can see the amount of string i’ve suspended made it impossible to see through to the other side, and this was the thinnest point in the installation
for visual interest i included a few spots that were focused on one color
the idea was that you’d be walking through the multi colored strings and suddenly find yourself in a red, blue or purple spot. the red spot ended up being visible from the outside as well
here we have a view from above, this was not visible to the public but i quite enjoy this view as well, maybe an inspiration for a next work?
at the back for the room, against the wooden wall, i included an empty space. this was not visible form the outside. when you came upon it you could experience being surrounded by strings, nothing else visible to you, and at the same time be physically separate from them
as you can see the space around the clearing was also a yellow space, a sunny clearing.....
the clearing was placed underneath a ceiling window, adding to the openness of the space 
i must confess the clearing was one of my favourite bits of the installation, sitting there on the floor, hidden from the outside, felt very peaceful
this is the backside of the installation, the point furthest from the entrance. i’m not sure how many people ended up back here, some of the ones that mostly walked around definitely walked back there too, but what about he people that walked through the installation? did they look at this side?
if you went right from the door rather than left this was your view, string all the way to the wall...
here you can see quire well how i shaped the installation. i build it entirely in square pieces before removing some strings again to make the shape a fluid on
looking back after walking right this is what you saw
visually i love the work, but the  truly great part was the physical experience of walking through the strings, not seeing what’s ahead, caressed by the string

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